When comparing the numbers 58949 and 25825, it is clear that 58949 is much larger than 25825. This is because 58949 is made up of four digits (58,949) and 25825 is made up of only three digits (25,825). For this reason, 58949 is larger than 25825 by a factor of 10.

Another way that 58949 is much larger than 25825 is found when evaluating the place value of the digits. Since 58949 has two digits to the left of the decimal point and 25825 has only one digit, it follows that 58949 has a larger value when place value is taken into account.

A third way to see this difference is by looking at the sum of the digits. 58949 has a sum of 21 (5 + 8 + 9 + 4 + 9) and 25825 has a sum of 17 (2 + 5 + 8 + 2 + 5), proving that 58949 is greater than 25825 in this regard as well.

Overall, the comparison between 58949 and 25825 is clear. 58949 is larger than 25825 in terms of digit count, place value, and sum of digits.