When it comes to retro gaming, it often comes down to two classic titans - the Atari XL800 and the Commodore C64. Both consoles are iconic pieces of gaming history, delivering engaging experiences of yesteryear and shaping popular culture since the 1980s. But which one is best for gaming?

The two machines have some similarities. They both released in 1982, and both came with built-in keyboards and BASIC programming. While both use 8-bit microprocessors, the Atari XL800 uses a MOS 6502, and the Commodore C64 uses a MOS 6510. The 6502 is considered faster and more efficient than its predecessor, making the Atari XL800 a bit more powerful.

In terms of graphics and audio, the Atari XL800 has a resolution of 320x192 and four channel mono sound. The Commodore C64 has a resolution of up to 320x200 and a three-voice SID sound chip. The SID chip was considered a revolutionary piece of technology at the time, and continues to be a popular option for early PC sound effects today. The SID chip was also capable of a wider range of tones than the atmospheric sound of the Atari XL800.

When it comes to gaming libraries, the C64 is the clear winner. It had a library of over 17000 games, compared to only 1200 of the XL800. A wide range of genres are available on both systems, but the C64 offers more complex titles, such as The Bard’s Tale and Elite. The C64 also had the luxury of software advantages, such as the Mapping and Multiscene modes of Ikari Warriors, which the XL800 lacked.

Overall, the Commodore C64 is a better option for casual gamers. Its greater library and superior sound effects will keep gamers engrossed in their gaming for longer. However, the Atari XL800 is a powerful system with a range of advantages, not least its faster processor. So for those looking for something more powerful, the XL800 is the way to go.